The Resiliant solution is designed to mitigate all risks associated with ID Verification while relieving the burden of having to store user’s private data safely and securely.

+1 (954) 256 0034

Identity Access Management

User Journey Time - SSO

In 2023, we added full IAM capabilities – RESILIANT User Journey Time – to become a part of our End 2 End Zero Trust™ Solution. This Identity and Access Management (IAM) uses decentralized technologies to provide enterprise-grade security and privacy compliance. Journey Time is an IAM framework suitable for enterprise ecosystems of all sizes, from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to large corporations, by providing Single Sign- On (SSO) connected to RESILIANT ID and Zero Trust server protection. RESILIANT User Journey Time works natively in a heterogeneous business ecosystem, including industrial, banking, and healthcare customers. The user-friendly visual engine enables systems administrators to implement integrated governance policies for classic IAM scopes. By integrating advanced blockchain, AI, and biometrics technologies, RESILIANT provides a comprehensive future-proof identity management system that empowers businesses and users alike.


RESILIANT Zero Trust Zone™ protects specific applications and services through ICAM which provides who can access what, where, when, and for how long based upon the credentials issued in RESILIANT IdNFT™ (worldwide patent).


Critical applications and services in a Trust Zone are enveloped and cloaked and are ONLY accessible to those who have the appropriate identifiers to access them.


Anyone else will not even see the applications and services within the Trust Zone.


Unlike VPNs, Anti-Malware, Multi-Factor Authentication solutions, ONLY RESILIANT End to End Zero Trust™ provides a truly complete and integrated Zero Trust Solution.